A new species of Rubus from Bavaria, Bohemia and Austria.

Vojtěch Žíla 1 & Heinrich E. Weber 2


  1. Mládežnická 1227, CZ-386 01 Strakonice, Czech Republic
  2. Am Buehner Bach 12 , D-49565 Bramsche, Germany



Rubus perpedatus Žíla et H. E. Weber (sect. Rubus ser. Radula Focke) is described as a new species. It differs from R. radula Weihe in having distinctly pedate leaves, terminal leaflets with an emarginate base, longer pedicels with longer stalked glands and with many more prickles. It is distributed in the Bavarian Forest, the Bohemian Forest and in Upper Austria. An illustration, a list of herbarium specimens and a map showing the distribution of this new species are provided.


Austria, batology, Czech Republic, Germany, new species, Rubus, taxonomy

How to cite

Žíla V. & Weber H. E. (2005) A new species of Rubus from Bavaria, Bohemia and Austria. – Preslia 77: 433437