Synantropní vegetace na území města Ostravy. 2. část

Richard Višňák 1


  1. Mlýnská 271, CZ-471 27 Stráž pod Ralskem, Česká repuhlika



Two groups of ruderal communities are discussed in this part of the study: (5) communities of competitive species with wide ecological amplitude and (6) relatively natural stands. Both are characteristic for the territory of Ostrava and occur very frequently. Ruderal communities without distinct syntaxonomical relevance constitute the former group, some of them can be classified only at the level of divisio Convolvulo-Chenopodiea Krippelová 1978 . The stands with prevailing Artemisia vulgaris, Solidago canadensis, Calamagrostis epigeios, Elytrigia repens and Tussilago farfara play the most important role. This group also includes vegetation on dumps from black coal mining and iron works. These habitats harbour rather specific stands with, among others, Chamerion dodonaei and Chenopodium botrys. The latter group includes mostly semi-natural grasslands and herb communities, belonging to the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, dominated by Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca rubra, Amoria repens, Trifolium pratense, Stenonactis annua. Communities of other vegetation units including woodlands are also briefly mentioned.


Ruderal plant communities, phytosociology, syntaxonomical classification, deductive method, Ostrava, Czech Republic

How to cite

Višňák R. (1996) Synantropní vegetace na území města Ostravy. 2. část. – Preslia 68: 5994