Phytogeographic and taxonomical remarks on eleven species of cyanophilic lichens from Central Europe.

Helene Czeika 1 , Gerhard Czeika 1 , Anna Guttová 2 , Edit Farkas 3 , László Lőkös 4 & Josef Halda 5


  1. Ottakringerstrasse 78/11, A-1170 Wien, Austria
  2. Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 14, SK-845 23 Bratislava, Slovakia
  3. Institute of Ecology and Botany, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Alkotmány 2–4, H-2163 Vácrátót, Hungary
  4. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Könyves Kálmán krt 40, H-1087 Budapest, Hungary
  5. Okresní muzeum Orlických hor, Jiráskova 2, CZ-516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Czech Republic



Comments on 11 species of cyanophilic lichens are presented. A new combination Peccania cernohorskyi is proposed, commented on and typified. Anema nodulosum, A. prodigulum, Lempholemma intricatum, Leptogium ferax, Porocyphus rehmicus and Zahlbrucknerella calcarea are reported from Slovakia for the first time, Leptogium biatorinum and L. magnussonii from Hungary, and Anema prodigulum, Heppia adglutinata, Leptogium biatorinum and Psorotichia taurica from the Czech Republic. Leptogium cretaceum is lectotypified.


Central Europe, Collemataceae, Heppiaceae, Lichinaceae, lichens, phytogeography, taxonomy

How to cite

Czeika H., Czeika G., Guttová A., Farkas E., Lőkös L. & Halda J. (2004) Phytogeographic and taxonomical remarks on eleven species of cyanophilic lichens from Central Europe. – Preslia 76: 183192