Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 6

Zdeněk Kaplan 1 2 , Petr Koutecký 3 , Jiří Danihelka 1 4 , Kateřina Šumberová 1 , Michal Ducháček 5 , Jitka Štěpánková 1 , Libor Ekrt 3 , Vít Grulich 4 , Radomír Řepka 6 , Karel Kubát 7 , Patrik Mráz 2 , Jan Wild 1 & Josef Brůna 1


  1. The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Zámek 1, CZ-252 43 Průhonice, Czech Republic
  2. Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Benátská 2, CZ-128 01 Prague, Czech Republic
  3. Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Branišovská 1760, CZ-370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
  4. Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
  5. Department of Botany, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ-193 00 Praha 9 – Horní Počernice, Czech Republic
  6. Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocenology, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University, Zemědělská 3, CZ-613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
  7. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkinje University, České mládeže 8, CZ-400 96 Ústí nad Labem

Published: 24 August 2018 , https://doi.org/10.23855/preslia.2018.235

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The sixth part of the series on the distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic includes grid maps of 112 taxa in the genera Athyrium, Carex, Centaurea, Chenopodium, Corispermum, Corrigiola, Crepis, Cystopteris, Glaucium, Hackelia, Hammarbya, Hippocrepis, Lappula, Lepidium, Liparis, Loranthus, Lycopus, Lythrum, Matteuccia, Osmunda, Plantago, Psephellus, Pteridium, Salvia, Scirpus and Viola. These maps were produced by taxonomic experts based on examined herbarium specimens, literature and field records. The native species include common and widespread plants such as Athyrium filix-femina, Carex acuta, Crepis biennis, Lycopus europaeus, Lythrum salicaria and Plantago lanceolata, as well as rare species such as Carex buxbaumii, Osmunda regalis and Viola alba. Almost 42% of the mapped taxa are on the national Red List. Among themapped taxa there are rare mountain species (e.g. Carex aterrima, C. atrata, Centaurea mollis, C. montana, Crepis mollis subsp. mollis, C. sibirica and the endemic Plantago atrata subsp. sudetica), wetland orchids (Hammarbya paludosa, Liparis loeselii) and plants of dry grasslands (e.g. Crepis pannonica, Hippocrepis comosa, Lappula semicincta and Salvia aethiopis). Rare ecological specialists include Corrigiola litoralis from seasonally exposed sand and gravel bars in rivers, Plantago arenaria confined to dry open sandy habitats, and Chenopodium chenopodioides and Plantago maritima subsp. ciliata from saline habitats. Alien species mapped in this paper include both archaeophytes and neophytes, most of them from the genera Centaurea, Crepis and Lepidium. Salvia hispanica is recorded as a new alien species for this country’s flora; its spontaneous occurrence was first detected in 2013, and since then this species has been found at about a dozen sites. Plantago coronopus has recently spread along the roads treated with de-icing salt. A number of species are at the limits of their distributions in the Czech Republic. The distribution maps of three interspecific hybrids are also included. Spatial distributions and often also temporal dynamics of individual taxa are shown in maps and documented by records included in the Pladias database and available in electronic appendices. The maps are accompanied by comments that include additional information on the distribution, habitats, taxonomy and biology of the taxa.


alien species, central Europe, chorology, Czech Republic, distribution atlas, distribution patterns, endangered species, endemic, flora, grid maps, herbaria, phytogeography, plant record, vascular plants

How to cite

Kaplan Z., Koutecký P., Danihelka J., Šumberová K., Ducháček M., Štěpánková J., Ekrt L., Grulich V., Řepka R., Kubát K., Mráz P., Wild J. & Brůna J. (2018) Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 6. – Preslia 90: 235346, https://doi.org/10.23855/preslia.2018.235