Současné pojetí rodů v okruhu Chrysanthemum s. l.

Václav Zelený 1


  1. Katedra botaniky a fyziologie rostlin, Česká zemědělská univerzita, CZ-165 21 Praha 6-Suchdol, Česká republika



Changes in conception and contents of the genus Chrysanthemum from the Linnaean period up to now are compared. C. Linnaeus described 14 species of the genus; since then almost 200 more species were described. At present, rather narrow conception of genera, supported by the cladistic method, is accepted. For this reason, the division of the genus Chrysanthemum into 12 genera appears to be justified. Based on literature and own observations, the Chrysanthemum species occuring in the Czech Republic are reviewed. Both native and cultivated species are considered. On the morphological basis, the species are classified into 11 genera.


Chrysanthemum s. l. , generic concept in Compositae, Czech Republic

How to cite

Zelený V. (1997) Současné pojetí rodů v okruhu Chrysanthemum s. l. – Preslia 69: 2329