Pěstované a zplanělé vytrvalé druhy rodu Helianthus v Evropě

Vladimír Řehořek 1


  1. Katedra systematické botaniky a geobotaniky Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Kotlářská 2, CZ-611 37 Brno, Česká republika



Eight perennial species and at least 2 hybrids of the North-American genus Helianthus L. occur in Europe. Most of them, i.e. H. atrorubens L., H. decapetalus L., H. giganteus L., H. mollis Lam., H. rigidus (Cass.) Desf., H. salicifolius A. Dietr., and H. strumosus L., as well as both hybrids (H. ×multiflorus L.pro sp. and H. ×laetiflorus Pers. pro sp.) are cultivated as decorative plants. Only one species - Jerusalem artichoke, H. tuberosus L. is extensively cultivated as fodder or food crop and in past 50 years has been invading natural plant communities, particularly along riverbanks. The species is often considered as H. decapetalus. Taxonomic position of particular taxa, their origin, and invasive ability are discussed. Attention is also paid to nomenclatorical confusions and other errors occurring in the literature.


Helianthus, ornamental plants, crops. alien species, neoindigenophytes, Europe

How to cite

Řehořek V. (1997) Pěstované a zplanělé vytrvalé druhy rodu Helianthus v Evropě. – Preslia 69: 5970