Articles by Jiří Sádlo
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Catalogue of expansive plants of the Czech RepublicPDF Abstract Appendices
Axmanová I., Chytrý K., Boublík K., Chytrý M., Dřevojan P., Ekrtová E., Fajmon K., Hájková P., Härtel H., Hejda M., Horáková V., Jongepier J. W., Kalníková V., Kaplan Z., Koutecký P., Lustyk P., Pergl J., Prach K., Pyšek P., Sádlo J., Vojík M. & Těšitel J.
Preslia 96: 299–327, 2024, -
Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (3rd edition): species richness, status, distributions, habitats, regional invasion levels, introduction pathways and impactsPDF Abstract Appendices
Pyšek P., Sádlo J., Chrtek J. Jr., Chytrý M., Kaplan Z., Pergl J., Pokorná A., Axmanová I., Čuda J., Doležal J., Dřevojan P., Hejda M., Kočár P., Kortz A., Lososová Z., Lustyk P., Skálová H., Štajerová K., Večeřa M., Vítková M., Wild J. & Danihelka J.
Preslia 94: 447–577, 2022, -
Impact of invasive and native dominants on species richness and diversity of plant communitiesPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 7 articles, WoS)
Hejda M., Sádlo J., Kutlvašr J., Petřík P., Vítková M., Vojík M., Pyšek P. & Pergl J.
Preslia 93: 181–201, 2021, -
Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and VegetationPDF High Res PDF (30.5 Mb) Abstract Appendices (Cited by 41 articles, WoS)
Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Kaplan Z., Wild J., Holubová D., Novotný P., Řezníčková M., Rohn M., Dřevojan P., Grulich V., Klimešová J., Lepš J., Lososová Z., Pergl J., Sádlo J., Šmarda P., Štěpánková P., Tichý L., Axmanová I., Bartušková A., Blažek P., Chrtek J. Jr., Fischer F. M., Guo W.-Y., Herben T., Janovský Z., Konečná M., Kühn I., Moravcová L., Petřík P., Pierce S., Prach K., Prokešová H., Štech M., Těšitel J., Těšitelová T., Večeřa M., Zelený D. & Pyšek P.
Preslia 93: 1–87, 2021, -
Two faces of parks: sources of invasion and habitat for threatened native plantsPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 9 articles, WoS)
Vojík M., Sádlo J., Petřík P., Pyšek P., Man M. & Pergl J.
Preslia 92: 353–373, 2020, -
Ancient and Early Medieval man-made habitats in the Czech Republic: colonization history and vegetation changesPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 15 articles, WoS)
Pokorná A., Kočár P., Novák J., Šálková T., Žáčková P., Komárková V., Vaněček Z. & Sádlo J.
Preslia 90: 171–193, 2018, -
Ellenberg-type indicator values for the Czech floraPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 78 articles, WoS)
Chytrý M., Tichý L., Dřevojan P., Sádlo J. & Zelený D.
Preslia 90: 83–103, 2018, -
Plant dispersal strategies: a new classification based on the multiple dispersal modes of individual speciesPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 31 articles, WoS)
Sádlo J., Chytrý M., Pergl J. & Pyšek P.
Preslia 90: 1–22, 2018, -
Dark side of the fence: ornamental plants as a source of wild-growing flora in the Czech Republic.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 55 articles, WoS)
Pergl J., Sádlo J., Petřík P., Danihelka J., Chrtek J. Jr., Hejda M., Moravcová L., Perglová I., Štajerová K. & Pyšek P.
Preslia 88: 163–184, 2016 -
Sorbus pauca species nova, the first endemic species of the Sorbus hybrida group for the Czech Republic.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 8 articles, WoS)
Lepší M., Lepší P., Sádlo J., Koutecký P., Vít P. & Petřík P.
Preslia 85: 63–80, 2013 -
Plant invasions in the Czech Republic: current state, introduction dynamics, invasive species and invaded habitats.PDF High Res PDF (5.2 Mb) Abstract (Cited by 115 articles, WoS)
Pyšek P., Chytrý M., Pergl J., Sádlo J. & Wild J.
Preslia 84: 575–629, 2012 -
Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (2nd edition): checklist update, taxonomic diversity and invasion patternsPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 294 articles, WoS)
Pyšek P., Danihelka J., Sádlo J., Chrtek J. Jr., Chytrý M., Jarošík V., Kaplan Z., Krahulec F., Moravcová L., Pergl J., Štajerová K. & Tichý L.
Preslia 84: 155–255, 2012 -
Regional species pools of vascular plants in habitats of the Czech Republic.PDF Abstract (Cited by 109 articles, WoS)
Sádlo J., Chytrý M. & Pyšek P.
Preslia 79: 303–321, 2007 -
Calcicolous beech forests and related vegetation in the Czech Republic: a comparison of formalized classifications.PDF Abstract (Cited by 16 articles, WoS)
Boublík K., Petřík P., Sádlo J., Hédl R., Willner W., Černý T. & Kolbek J.
Preslia 79: 141–161, 2007 -
Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic.PDF Abstract
Pyšek P., Sádlo J. & Mandák B.
Preslia 74: 97–186, 2002 -
Vegetation of the Vltava river alluvial plain in the Šumava Mts (Czech Republic) and the problem of relict primary meadowsPDF Abstract
Sádlo J. & Bufková I.
Preslia 74: 67–83, 2002 -
Původ travinné vegetace slatin v Čechách: sukcese kontra cenogenezePDF Abstract
Sádlo J.
Preslia 72: 495–506, 2000 - PDF Abstract
Diantho gratianopolitani-Aurinietum saxatilis, a relict community of rock fissures in the Czech RepublicPDF Abstract
Sádlo J.
Preslia 70: 57–68, 1998 -
Náčrt nelesní vegetace sutí kolinního až montánního stupně České republikyPDF Abstract
Sádlo J., Kolbek J.
Preslia 66: 217–236, 1994
Showing 1-20 of 21 items.