Articles by Jan Lepš
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Do threatened species occur in species-rich vegetation?PDF Abstract Appendices
Padullés Cubino J., Fibich P., Lepš J., Chytrý M. & Těšitel J.
Preslia 95: 297–310, 2023, -
Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and VegetationPDF High Res PDF (30.5 Mb) Abstract Appendices (Cited by 41 articles, WoS)
Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Kaplan Z., Wild J., Holubová D., Novotný P., Řezníčková M., Rohn M., Dřevojan P., Grulich V., Klimešová J., Lepš J., Lososová Z., Pergl J., Sádlo J., Šmarda P., Štěpánková P., Tichý L., Axmanová I., Bartušková A., Blažek P., Chrtek J. Jr., Fischer F. M., Guo W.-Y., Herben T., Janovský Z., Konečná M., Kühn I., Moravcová L., Petřík P., Pierce S., Prach K., Prokešová H., Štech M., Těšitel J., Těšitelová T., Večeřa M., Zelený D. & Pyšek P.
Preslia 93: 1–87, 2021, -
Net outcome of competition and facilitation in a wet meadow changes with plant’s life stage and community productivity.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 17 articles, WoS)
Kelemen A., Lazzaro L., Besnyői V., Albert Á.-J., Konečná M., Dobay G., Memelink I., Adamec V., Götzenberger L., de Bello F., Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y. & Lepš J.
Preslia 87: 347–361, 2015 -
The most species-rich plant communities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (with new world records).PDF High Res PDF (7.5 Mb) Abstract Appendices (Cited by 92 articles, WoS)
Chytrý M., Dražil T., Hájek M., Kalníková V., Preislerová Z., Šibík J., Ujházy K., Axmanová I., Bernátová D., Blanár D., Dančák M., Dřevojan P., Fajmon K., Galvánek D., Hájková P., Herben T., Hrivnák R., Janeček Š., Janišová M., Jiráská Š., Kliment J., Kochjarová J., Lepš J., Leskovjanská A., Merunková K., Mládek J., Slezák M., Šeffer J., Šefferová V., Škodová I., Uhlířová J., Ujházyová M. & Vymazalová M.
Preslia 87: 217–278, 2015 -
Habitats and ecological niches of root-hemiparasitic plants: an assessment based on a large database of vegetation plots.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 17 articles, WoS)
Těšitel J., Fibich P., de Bello F., Chytrý M. & Lepš J.
Preslia 87: 87–108, 2015 -
Performance of three closely related Myosotis species in an experiment in which substrate quality and competition were manipulated.PDF Abstract (Cited by 5 articles, WoS)
Koutecká E. & Lepš J.
Preslia 83: 403–420, 2011 -
Effect of competition and soil quality on root topology of the perennial grass Molinia caeruleaPDF Abstract (Cited by 6 articles, WoS)
Janeček Š., Janečková P. & Lepš J.
Preslia 79: 23–32, 2007 -
Quantifying and interpreting functional diversity of natural communities: practical considerations matter.PDF Abstract The macro for calculation of functional diversity indices described in this paper is available here. (Cited by 345 articles, WoS)
Lepš J., de Bello F., Lavorel S. & Berman S.
Preslia 78: 481–501, 2006 -
Marcel Rejmánek at 60 - the man and his workPDF
Krahulec F., Lepš J. & Richardson D. M.
Preslia 78: 361–374, 2006 -
The migration of vascular plants to a new water reservoir: geographic relationshipsPDF Abstract
Krahulec F., Lepš J.
Preslia 65: 147–162, 1993 -
"Ruderal communities of the railway station Česká Třebová (Eastern Bohemia, Czechoslovakia) – remarks on the application of classical and numerical methods of classification"PDF
Kovář P., Lepš J.
Preslia 58: 141–163, 1986 -
Vegetation analysis along the elevation gradient in the Nízké Tatry Mountains (Central Slovakia)PDF
Lepš J., Prach K., Slavíková J.
Preslia 57: 299–312, 1985 -
Poznámky k vlivu zimních klimatických poměrů na vegetaci lokality Riaba skala v Bukovských vršíchPDF
Lepš J., Lepšová A., Prach K., Rauch O., Rejmánek M., Rydlo J., Sajverová E.
Preslia 54: 277–279, 1982 -
Zur Kenntnis der Quellfluren, alpinen Hochstaudenfluren und Gebüsche des Făgăras-Gebirges in den SüdkarpatenPDF
Huml O., Lepš J., Prach K., Rejmánek M.
Preslia 51: 35–45, 1979
Showing 1-15 of 15 items.