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The most species-rich plant communities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (with new world records).PDF High Res PDF (7.5 Mb) Abstract Appendices (Cited by 92 articles, WoS)
Chytrý M., Dražil T., Hájek M., Kalníková V., Preislerová Z., Šibík J., Ujházy K., Axmanová I., Bernátová D., Blanár D., Dančák M., Dřevojan P., Fajmon K., Galvánek D., Hájková P., Herben T., Hrivnák R., Janeček Š., Janišová M., Jiráská Š., Kliment J., Kochjarová J., Lepš J., Leskovjanská A., Merunková K., Mládek J., Slezák M., Šeffer J., Šefferová V., Škodová I., Uhlířová J., Ujházyová M. & Vymazalová M.
Preslia 87: 217–278, 2015 -
Arctic-alpine and serpentine differentiation in polyploid Potentilla crantzii.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 7 articles, WoS)
Paule J., Kolář F. & Dobeš C.
Preslia 87: 195–215, 2015 -
Exploring patterns of variation within the central-European Tephroseris longifolia agg.: karyological and morphological study.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 7 articles, WoS)
Olšavská K., Šingliarová B., Kochjarová J., Labdíková Z., Škodová I., Hegedüšová K. & Janišová M.
Preslia 87: 163–194, 2015 -
Taxonomic revision of Sorbus subgenus Aria occurring in the Czech Republic.PDF High Res PDF (10.7 Mb) Abstract (Cited by 22 articles, WoS)
Lepší M., Lepší P., Koutecký P., Bílá J. & Vít P.
Preslia 87: 109–162, 2015 -
Habitats and ecological niches of root-hemiparasitic plants: an assessment based on a large database of vegetation plots.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 17 articles, WoS)
Těšitel J., Fibich P., de Bello F., Chytrý M. & Lepš J.
Preslia 87: 87–108, 2015 -
Microsatellite variation, sexual reproduction and taxonomic revision of Taraxacum sect. Dioszegia: relationships at a large spatial scale.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 9 articles, WoS)
Zeisek V., Kirschner J., Štěpánek J. & Amini Rad M.
Preslia 87: 55–85, 2015 -
Tolerance of alien plant species to extreme events is comparable to that of their native relatives.PDF Abstract (Cited by 7 articles, WoS)
Laube J., Ziegler K., Sparks T. H., Estrella N. & Menzel A.
Preslia 87: 31–53, 2015 -
Sexual reproduction of knotweed (Fallopia sect. Reynoutria) in Slovenia.PDF Abstract (Cited by 9 articles, WoS)
Strgulc Krajšek S. & Dolenc Koce J.
Preslia 87: 17–30, 2015 -
Phylogenetic diversity of central-European urban plant communities: effects of alien species and habitat types.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 21 articles, WoS)
Čeplová N., Lososová Z., Zelený D., Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Fajmon K., Láníková D., Preislerová Z., Řehořek V. & Tichý L.
Preslia 87: 1–16, 2015 -
A synopsis of liverworts occurring in the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland and Slovakia): checklist, distribution and new data.PDF Abstract (Cited by 12 articles, WoS)
Górski P. & Váňa J.
Preslia 86: 381–485, 2014 -
Are there hybrids between Carex flacca and C. tomentosa in the Czech Republic and Slovakia?PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 8 articles, WoS)
Řepka R., Veselá P. & Mráček J.
Preslia 86: 367–379, 2014 -
Testing floristic and environmental differentiation of rich fens on the Bohemian Massif.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 20 articles, WoS)
Peterka T., Plesková Z., Jiroušek M. & Hájek M.
Preslia 86: 337–366, 2014 -
Taxonomic classification of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacterial genera) 2014, using a polyphasic approachPDF Abstract (Cited by 662 articles, WoS)
Komárek J., Kaštovský J., Mareš J. & Johansen J. R.
Preslia 86: 295–335, 2014 -
Johanseninema, a corrected name for a recently described genus of filamentous epipelic cyanobacteriaPDF (Cited by 3 articles, WoS)
Hašler P., Dvořák P. & Poulíčková A.
Preslia 86: 293–294, 2014 -
The effect of temperature on the phenology of germination of Isoëtes lacustris.PDF Abstract (Cited by 12 articles, WoS)
Čtvrtlíková M., Znachor P. & Vrba J.
Preslia 86: 279–292, 2014 -
Karyological, morphological and ecological differentiation of Sesleria caerulea and S. tatrae in the Western Carpathians and adjacent regions.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 10 articles, WoS)
Budzáková M., Hodálová I., Mereďa P. Jr., Somlyay L., Bisbing S. M. & Šibík J.
Preslia 86: 245–277, 2014 -
Return of the grades: towards objectivity in evolutionary classification.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 5 articles, WoS)
Willner W., Hülber K. & Fischer M. A.
Preslia 86: 233–243, 2014 -
Landscape classification of the Czech Republic based on the distribution of natural habitats.PDF Abstract (Cited by 18 articles, WoS)
Divíšek J., Chytrý M., Grulich V. & Poláková L.
Preslia 86: 209–231, 2014 -
Kamptonema (Microcoleaceae, Cyanobacteria), a new genus derived from the polyphyletic Phormidium on the basis of combined molecular and cytomorphological markers.PDF Abstract (Cited by 38 articles, WoS)
Strunecký O., Komárek J. & Šmarda J.
Preslia 86: 193–207, 2014 -
Rare hybrid swarm of Pilosella polymastix × P. officinarum: cytotype structure and modes of reproduction.PDF High Res PDF (9.9 Mb) Abstract (Cited by 6 articles, WoS)
Krahulec F., Krahulcová A. & Hlaváček R.
Preslia 86: 179–192, 2014
Showing 141-160 of 2,097 items.