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Postglacial history and current population genetic diversity of a central-European forest plant Hacquetia epipactisPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 6 articles, WoS)
Urbaniak J., Kwiatkowski P. & Ronikier M.
Preslia 90: 39–57, 2018, -
A hitchhiker from the beach: the spread of the maritime halophyte Cochlearia danica along salted continental roadsPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 9 articles, WoS)
Fekete R., Mesterházy A., Valkó O. & Molnár V. A.
Preslia 90: 23–37, 2018, -
Plant dispersal strategies: a new classification based on the multiple dispersal modes of individual speciesPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 31 articles, WoS)
Sádlo J., Chytrý M., Pergl J. & Pyšek P.
Preslia 90: 1–22, 2018, -
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 5PDF High Res PDF (65.3 Mb) Abstract Appendices (Cited by 24 articles, WoS)
Kaplan Z., Danihelka J., Šumberová K., Chrtek J. Jr., Rotreklová O., Ekrt L., Štěpánková J., Taraška V., Trávníček B., Prančl J., Ducháček M., Hroneš M., Kobrlová L., Horák D. & Wild J.
Preslia 89: 333–439, 2017, -
Reopening an old chapter: a revised taxonomic and evolutionary concept of the Rubus montanus groupPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 7 articles, WoS)
Király G., Sochor M. & Trávníček B.
Preslia 89: 309–331, 2017, -
Do ploidy level, morphology, habitat and genetic relationships in Alpine Vaccinium uliginosum allow for the discrimination of two entities?PDF Abstract (Cited by 8 articles, WoS)
Regele D., Grünebach M., Erschbamer B. & Schönswetter P.
Preslia 89: 291–308, 2017, -
Genetic variability and morphology of tri- and tetraploid members of the Sorbus aria complex in northern BavariaPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 9 articles, WoS)
Feulner M., Weig A., Paule J., Gregor T., Schott L. F. & Aas G.
Preslia 89: 275–290, 2017, -
Naturalized alien flora of the world: species diversity, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns, geographic distribution and global hotspots of plant invasionPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 238 articles, WoS)
Pyšek P., Pergl J., Essl F., Lenzner B., Dawson W., Kreft H., Weigelt P., Winter M., Kartesz J., Nishino M., Antonova L. A., Barcelona J. F., Cabezas F. J., Cárdenas D., Cárdenas-Toro J., Castańo N., Chacón E., Chatelain C., Dullinger S., Ebel A. L., Figueiredo E., Fuentes N., Genovesi P., Groom Q. J., Henderson L., Inderjit, Kupriyanov A., Masciadri S., Maurel N., Meerman J., Morozova O., Moser D., Nickrent D., Nowak P.M., Pagad S., Patzelt A., Pelser P. B., Seebens H., Shu W., Thomas J., Velayos M., Weber E., Wieringa J. J., Baptiste M. P. & van Kleunen M.
Preslia 89: 203–274, 2017, -
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 4PDF High Res PDF (53.3 Mb) Abstract Appendices (Cited by 20 articles, WoS)
Kaplan Z., Danihelka J., Koutecký P., Šumberová K., Ekrt L., Grulich V., Řepka R., Hroudová Z., Štěpánková J., Dvořák V., Dančák M., Dřevojan P. & Wild J.
Preslia 89: 115–201, 2017, -
Microsatellite variation in three calcium-tolerant species of peat moss detected specific genotypes of Sphagnum warnstorfii on magnesium-rich bedrockPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 4 articles, WoS)
Mikulášková E., Veleba A., Šmerda J., Knoll A. & Hájek M.
Preslia 89: 101–114, 2017, -
Participation of the Czech flora in succession at disturbed sites: quantifying species colonization abilityPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 12 articles, WoS)
Prach K., Tichý L., Vítovcová K. & Řehounková K.
Preslia 89: 87–100, 2017, -
Ecological niche conservatism shapes the distributions of lichens: geographical segregation does not reflect ecological differentiationPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 13 articles, WoS)
Fačkovcová Z., Senko D., Svitok M. & Guttová A.
Preslia 89: 63–85, 2017, -
Variation in genome size in the Valeriana officinalis complex resulting from multiple chromosomal evolutionary processesPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 7 articles, WoS)
Bressler S., Klatte-Asselmeyer V., Fischer A., Paule J. & Dobeš C.
Preslia 89: 41–61, 2017, -
Ecological hybrid speciation in central-European species of Bolboschoenus: genetic and morphological evaluationPDF Abstract (Cited by 7 articles, WoS)
Píšová S., Hroudová Z., Chumová Z. & Fér T.
Preslia 89: 17–39, 2017, -
Ambrosia artemisiifolia in the Czech Republic: history of invasion, current distribution and prediction of future spreadPDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 20 articles, WoS)
Skálová H., Guo W.-Y., Wild J. & Pyšek P.
Preslia 89: 1–16, 2017, -
Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 3.PDF High Res PDF (55.9 Mb) Abstract Appendices (Cited by 27 articles, WoS)
Kaplan Z., Danihelka J., Lepší M., Lepší P., Ekrt L., Chrtek J. Jr., Kocián J., Prančl J., Kobrlová L., Hroneš M. & Šulc V.
Preslia 88: 459–544, 2016 -
Diversity of beech forest vegetation in the Eastern Alps, Bohemian Massif and the Western Carpathians.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 22 articles, WoS)
Ujházyová M., Ujházy K., Chytrý M., Willner W., Čiliak M., Máliš F. & Slezák M.
Preslia 88: 435–457, 2016 -
A pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of the Holocene vegetation updates a perspective on the natural vegetation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 33 articles, WoS)
Abraham V., Kuneš P., Petr L., Svitavská Svobodová H., Kozáková R., Jamrichová E., Švarcová M. G. & Pokorný P.
Preslia 88: 409–434, 2016 -
Origin of Spergularia ×kurkae, a hybrid between the rare endemic S. echinosperma and its widespread congener S. rubra.PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 4 articles, WoS)
Kúr P., Košnar J., Koutecký P., Tremetsberger K. & Štech M.
Preslia 88: 391–407, 2016 -
Evolutionary patterns and morphological diversification within the European members of the Euphorbia illirica (E. villosa) group: one or several species?PDF Abstract Appendices (Cited by 7 articles, WoS)
Frajman B., Graniszewska M. & Schönswetter P.
Preslia 88: 369–390, 2016
Showing 101-120 of 2,097 items.